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Studio Cuts
New Recordings from Me and Friends
Some old, and some newer
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Weekend Music!
Just Enough - Barry Warner
Music and Words by: John Neal Crossman
Recorded at Warner Studios, Draper, Utah
Featuring Barry Warner
Keyboards, Superior Drummer, vocals: Barry Warner
Bass, Electric Guitar : John Neal Crossman
©1987 Masked Avenger Music
Just EnoughJohn Neal Crossman
Just Enough - John Neal Crossman
Words and Music John Neal Crossman
Guitar, bass, vocals: John Neal Crossman
The Band: Barry Warner
©1987 Masker Avenger Music
I Miss Your Face
Words & Music John Neal Crossman
Guitar(s), bass, vocals, Supieor drummer, Horns: John Neal Crossman
Recorded at MAM Studios, Sandy, Utah and WarnerMusic Studios, Draper, Utah
©1983 Masked Avenger Music
Twinkle In My Daddy's Eye
Words and Music by John Neal Crossman
The band: John Neal Crossman
Recorded at MAM Studios, Sandy, Utah
©1975 Masked Avenger Music
I Miss Your FaceJohnr Neal Crossman

Twinkle In My Daddy's EyeJohn Neal Crossman

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